How to Fix Slow Wi-fi


We all know the feeling of having painfully slow wi-fi that just won’t load. There’s nothing you can do about it if it’s in a public place, unless you switch networks or move into a better range. However, it’s easy to fix the wi-fi at your house. Here’s how:

  1. MOVE CLOSER. This is literally the most basic of all the basic steps, but it can often make a huge difference. You may have already tried this, so here’s what to do next.
  2. TURN OFF THE WI-FI ON YOUR DEVICE. Sometimes, it’s just a problem with your device not connecting properly, so turning the wi-fi off and waiting for a few seconds should do it.
  3. TURN OFF THE MAIN. There is actually a trick to getting this right. If you just turn it off and turn it back on again, it often doesn’t make much of a difference. The method that has always worked for me is: turn off the main wi-fi and wait for about ten seconds, until the wifi symbol on your device stops showing that it’s connected. Then, turn off your device’s wi-fi and turn the main back on. After about 10-20 seconds, turn the wi-fi on your device back on and it should automatically connect. It may disconnect and then reconnect a couple of times, but within a minute it should be working normally.
  4. If nothing has worked so far, the wi-fi router may be damaged. It could also be a temporary malfunction that will fix itself in a day or so.

I hope this was helpful! Tell me what tips you’d like to see, and as usual, I’m always here for a chat!


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